October is National Bullying Prevention Month

Join us and organizations around the world as we fight to eliminate bullying and harassment. We have listed resources to help you and your team be a positive influence on those around you.

Be Part of the Change!

Cheer Check-in Challenge

In addition to learning how you can be a positive force throughout the year, we want you to be sure to “check-in”; on your friends, your fellow students, your teachers and coaches, and yourself! We’ll be sharing strategies throughout the month to help you reach out with kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.

Important Links

Important Dates

10/3 – World Day of Bullying Preventionâ„¢
An initiative of STOMP Out Bullyingâ„¢
Wear Blue! #BlueUp


10/19 – Unity Day
Wear and Share Orange! #UnityEveryDate